
The precision instrument industry is highly specialized, which requires the utmost in professional capabilities and accuracy of translators. Since precision instruments are so demanding and regulations regarding errors are extremely stringent, if the translation is not up to the proper standards, the values are wrong, or the regulations regarding errors are not translated sufficiently, it will lead to adverse consequences. Most of our precision instrument translators have graduated from internationally renowned universities and have a wealth of experience in precision instruments to draw from. The company has also had all its precision instrument translators pass challenging tests in the field, which demonstrates their mastery of the terminology and other aspects. They also have over 5 years of translation experience. We strive to provide customers with only the highest quality, most efficient and most cost-effective mechanical and translation services.


Translation Experience

Measuring instruments, flow meters, weighing instruments, nano mixers, roughness measuring instruments, thickness measuring instruments, tensiometers, liquid chromatographs, voltmeters, ammeters, etc.


Typical Customers

Unipulse, Keyence, Shimadzu, THINKY.

We’re honestly looking forward to working with you!

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